Automatically manage Document Review and Approval in your organization

Send review links and manage approvals & change requests from both internal and external reviewers.

Automatically manage Document Review and Approval in your organizationAutomatically manage Document Review and Approval in your organization

Accelerates review flow and achieves 82% more approvals each month

1. Decide who has to review the document

Create the approval flow with all its options and steps. Choose reviewers from your company or external collaborators. Set up deadlines and due dates.

2. Review emails are sent automatically

Reviewers receive a link by email, SMS or Microsoft Teams when it is their turn to review. They can approve or reject the document with one click from their mobile or workstation after viewing it.

3. Receive your approved documents

Approved documents include the reviewers’ signatures. Manage non-conformities and changes with ease. Send a final copy to the right people automatically.

Enhances Document Review:

Review directly from the Document ManagerReview directly from the Document Manager

Review directly from the Document Manager

If you use Docuo as a Document Manager, you can directly select files and assign them to a review flow.

You can also configure predefined reviews for each type of document (Corrective Actions, Invoices, Contracts, Proposals, Procedures, Files, Parts…).

Upload your files to Docuo to start with them any document review workflow.

Complete traceability of the processComplete traceability of the process

Complete traceability of the process

In Docuo, you will have detailed information on each step of the revision process: Who approved or rejected the document, when, and so on.

You will also be able to collect reasoned information on change requests and send it to the drafters for consideration.

Docuo’s version control allows you to study every change made to the documents being reviewed.

Visual management thanks to Kanban boardsVisual management thanks to Kanban boards

Visual management thanks to Kanban boards

Kanban boards provide a bird’s eye view of the overall status of the document approval process.

Each status has a color and a column. Each document travels through the process from the beginning of the process to final approval.

You’ve never had so much control.

Choose how to reviewChoose how to review

Choose how to review

When a reviewer approves a document, he can do so in several ways. With a simple one-click validation, or with an electronic signature with full legal validity according to the European eIDAS regulation.

You choose which options to make available to your reviewers. Docuo acts as a trusted third party in the process by collecting the data of each approval and making it auditable.

Document Review Software

Ditch the tedious management of reviews with Excel, Outlook, and Shared Folders today.

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