What happens in Docuo? – September 2024
This quarter, we have no less than five new features. Let’s get to know them in detail.
If you prefer to see them in video, I leave them here.
Tab Editor. Customizing your Docuo.
In the “Fields” section, we have added the tab editor. With it, you will be able to configure the tabs of the details window of any Docuo category. You can choose which ones you want to be visible, which ones not, change their name, order, make them appear only in some states or even customize their columns.
Do you want to learn how to configure them? I’ll leave it here.
Associative tab. Connect data in one click.
The associative tabs are probably the most powerful functionality I bring you. Thanks to them you can make documents from different categories related to each other with a single click.
For example, if you have a school with different subjects, you can associate each of your students with the subjects they take in seconds.
Here’s how to configure them.
Cascade deletion. Faster, but be careful!
This new feature that I am going to tell you about, although very useful, has a certain danger… With cascading deletion, when you delete a document, you can also delete related documents, all at once in a single click! Before using it, you must make sure that you really need to always delete all the information.
Here ‘s how to activate it.
Image resizing. More space, more optimized.
When you work with images in Docuo, you are likely to take up more gigabytes than you need because of their size, especially if you upload them directly from your cell phone. To optimize storage, we have added automatic resizing. You can activate it in general or in some categories, and with it, the images you upload will automatically adjust to the size you choose.
Here ‘s how to activate this option.
New status page. Always informed
Have you ever been unable to log in to Docuo and didn’t know what was going on? Many times, while we are working to improve our systems or something unexpected happens, Docuo may stop working for a few minutes.
If this happens, you can visit this page and see what status the service is in.
These are the latest features of the quarter – see you in the cloud!
Minerva Ventura
Digital Marketing Specialist