Top 5 rated CSP Software features
When choosing a CSP Software there are many variables to take into account, such as its critical capabilities, if it really fits your use case or the wide variety of offers that currently exist in the market. But today we are going to give you one of the most interesting keys that will be very useful for you to evaluate and decide between different options. We are talking about what companies that already use this type of platform really value. Those characteristics that are essential when choosing a CSP that is right for their business.
According to a Gartner study, we have discovered that most of them agree on 5 characteristics that a Content Services Platform must have. We will talk about each of them below so that you can make a search with real references. But we must also point out that there is hardly any difference between the top 5 ranking and the other features in terms of importance. Therefore, we will discuss some more that we don’t want to overlook at the end of this post.
Let’s get started!
Top 5 functionalities of a CSP Software most valued by companies
1. Platform
The capacity of this feature allows you to centralise all the information in a single place. This is perhaps one of the biggest advantages that a CSP software can offer. The direct benefit is the minimisation of the risk of losing important information.
Thanks to this capability, your entire team will know where to store and find information according to its classification. We call this concept the Source of Truth. It is a single place to consult information and work internally agreed upon as a place of reference for the whole team. In this way, you will avoid the possibility of making common mistakes. For example, using different versions of the same file when they are stored in different places.
2. Capture
Thanks to this functionality, you will have all the information from external sources digitalised and stored in an orderly way in your platform. There are different ways to perform this process, from the most traditional, such as optical recognition (OCR), scanning or even the most innovative, such as capturing from your own mobile device.
But perhaps the key to this functionality lies in the forms, the set of fields that also allows you to collect all the external information you need.
3. Compliance
Another essential functionality for your peace of mind, without a doubt, is compliance. Basically, by using CSP Software that has this capability, you will automatically be in compliance with all the regulations of the state in which your organisation operates, whether nationally or internationally.
In addition, storing your information long-term on a Content Services Platform that complies with the regulations that affect you, means that you will be up to date with all the security and legal measures that your customers or suppliers may require of you.
4. Collaboration
Building optimal collaboration with your team, suppliers and customers is perhaps one of the biggest challenges at a professional level. Thanks to this capability, achieving it will be much easier.
In our Docuo Document Management you can find different collaboration options, such as automated workflows that you can set up to alert the people involved when they need to start a task, or simply inform them of important events by letting them know the status of processes instantly.
We also have the Teams connector, so that your entire team can centralise all communication in one place. They will receive all alerts and notifications without leaving Teams, freeing up their email inbox. A much more agile and immediate way of managing work.
5. Accessibility
Last but not least, accessibility is the fifth most valued feature of CSP Software. In this case, they value the ability to access and use data where and when you need it. Depending on the software you choose, it will allow you to do this from the office or outside of it. Also through your mobile device and other applications via API.
In this case, the benefit you get is convenience and agility for your work, as you don’t need to be in a specific space or have a computer to access the information you need.
Other features that will also interest you
Productivity (Position 7)
Increasing productivity is one of the most common goals. So we recommend that you explore whether CSP Software has this capability to the level you really need.
At Docuo, we automate all the manual day-to-day tasks so that you can spend your time on what’s really important. In fact, we have managed to reduce up to 70% of the time our customers spend on repetitive manual management tasks. Some of them can be sending similar email responses, creating documents from Microsoft templates or automate and customise signature workflows, among others. So that each customer receives the link to sign automatically when the document is ready and reviewed.
Workflows (Position 11)
Establishing standardisation in workflows is one of the challenges you will face when creating a workflow. It’s about designing a series of specific steps that the whole team will have to perform equally. In this way, you can make these workflows really work.
This is one of the capabilities you should take into account when choosing CSP Software. Unlike the rest, at Docuo we not only offer you this possibility, we also have a team of experts who will help you set up the work processes that best suit your team’s needs. In addition, they will accompany you throughout the implementation of the workflow. The process will not finish until you see that it really works and you obtain the expected results.
Search, Metadata and Classification (Position 14)
Another very useful capability to take into account is the search functionality within the tool itself. This way, you will be able to quickly locate what you need. If the sftware have the option, you can find it through different search filters. It is also important to value the classification of information by metadata. Thus, the CSP Software will allow you to build a solid and complete database from all the information you have.
To conclude, these are the top 5 features and a few more that most interest companies that already work with CSP Software, and that will serve as a reference to find the Content Services Platform that fits your needs.
At Docuo we have these and many more features that you can discover for free by trying our software for 30 days. In case you have any further questions about the capabilities of the CSP Software, you can also contact our team and they will solve them in a personalised way.